Giphy cam app android
Giphy cam app android

We provide various renditions of each GIF in the images object to give your users the best experience possible.The images object returns multiple renditions. Every GIF returned by the Trending and Search endpoints contains an images object with Media URLs (url field).The Trending endpoint automatically populates the most relevant and engaging content each and every day, while the Search endpoint lets users search our library of millions of GIFs and Stickers by entering a word or phrase.Īll API calls need to be URL encoded.

giphy cam app android

The GIPHY experience is brought to life with two essential endpoints: Trending and Search. If you’re using a GIPHY integration in different sections of your app, GIPHY requires that each use of our service be delineated by a different key for each section per platform.

giphy cam app android

  • Create separate keys for each platform (iOS, Android, Web) and section.
  • Note: All API Keys start as beta keys, which are rate limited (42 reads per hour and 1000 searches/API calls per day.)
  • Create a GIPHY API Key by clicking “Create an App” on the Developer Dashboard (you need to create an account first).
  • If you have any questions, email us at Apply for an API Key(s) The following guide will walk you through the minimum viable GIPHY API integration for a seamless GIPHY experience in your app. GIPHY API is simple and fast to use, but if you're looking for something with automatic updates and access to exclusive features, our SDK might be an even better fit for you - check out GIPHY SDK! Quickstart Welcome to GIPHY API, where you can seamlessly integrate your app with the largest GIF and Sticker library in the world.

    Giphy cam app android